STM32F3Discovery-meson-example (enhanced commands)

With meson it is easy to extend some useful bash command

usually I forgot the commands to type in the terminal for debugging in about a few days…
Thats why I decided to use a nice feature from meson.


On the last few lines of the file I defined some commands:

         command : [terminal, '--working-directory=@0@'.format(meson.source_root()), '-e', gdb, '-q', '@0@/main.elf'.format(meson.current_build_dir())])

         command : [terminal, '-e', openocd, '-f', 'interface/stlink-v2.cfg', '-f' , 'target/stm32f3x.cfg'])

I can now run in the build folder the following command : ninja openocd that starts an openocd session.
And with ninja gdb I start a new gdb session.

Both commands get executed in a new terminal and gdb loads the .gdbinit file automatically.


target remote :3333

layout src

I just have to type in (gdb)continue in the gdb shell to start my program.

gdb auto-load save path

for security reasons you maybe have to enable your working directory to load a .gdbinit file.
the brute force variant is to enable all paths.


set auto-load safe-path /
Written on January 8, 2018